When Jane Fell In Love With Richard, She Knew Had ...
Contributed by Sylvester Fergusson on Jul 17, 2007 (message contributor)
When Jane fell in love with Richard, she knew had found her prince. At six feet three inches, Richard, 195 pounds was as lean and muscular at age twenty-three as they had been when Jane admired him on the basket ball court in high school. Ruggedly handsome, Richard was the strong silent type, which only made him more intriguing to Jane. Dates with Richard felt exciting, and when he held her in his arms the passion level went right off the scale.
We've got the right chemistry,¨ Jane assured herself.
However after a just a few months of marriage, the passion began to fade. Jane started noticing something a bit odd: Whenever she cuddled up for a hug or a little kiss, Richard became sexually aroused almost immediately. Almost without exception physical contact led to straight to the bedroom. Richard did not know how to express affection in any other way.
Along came Bob at work. He gave Jane the occasional hug. How she love that. Then one day he gave her a peck on the cheek and this caused her temperature to reach new levels. Bob then started to write her little innocent but special notes. Soon Jane was looking forward each day to get her dose of affection. Eventually she found herself in the arms of Bob.
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Experience In The Christian Walk Is To Be A ... PRO
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The Impact Of The Sexual Sins On This Society: ...
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 12, 2005
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I Had Seen Many Pictures Of Mt Taranaki In Nz It ...
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Years Ago, When I Worked In The Hospital's ...
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