Sermon Illustrations
  • Several Years Ago Our International Mission Board ...

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 9, 2007 (message contributor)

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Several years ago our International Mission Board reported the story of a former Muslim from South Asia who has suffered for the Lord. They changed his name to Lamak for security reasons. He was born into a wealthy and powerful Muslim family, but Lamak turned his life over to Jesus, while he was working in Singapore.

*When he went home 4 years later, Lamak took the risk of sharing Jesus with his family. His father-in-law was so enraged he had Lamak strapped to a chair, and used live electric wires to force him to renounce Jesus. But this young man refused to deny Christ.

*Today he has scars on his arms from the torture, but he uses these scars to share his testimony with other people. They ask Lamak about his scars, and he tells them about Jesus!

*Lamak has also worked with our short-term missions workers. At the time of the story, he had helped plant 32 churches and had baptized 500 Muslim believers. (7)

*Lamak is a giant-killer. He is taking a bold stand for Jesus Christ. And that’s what we should do, starting right here at home, especially when we think about the other scars, the scars we will see one day in Heaven, the scars that Jesus carries because He died for us.

(IMB Lottie Moon illustrations - 2004)