A Famous Actor Was An After Dinner Speaker At A ... PRO
Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 9, 2001 (message contributor)
A famous actor was an after dinner speaker at a big function and when he stood up to speak, he invited his audience to choose a poem for him to recite.
There was a long silence until a retired clergyman raised his hand and asked for Psalm 23.
The actor was slightly taken back, but agreed to do so provided the clergyman would recite it after him, which the clergyman reluctantly agreed to do.
The actor recited Psalm 23 and received a standing ovation. When the clergyman recited the Psalm, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
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Andrew Murray Said: "The Christian Who Is Still ...
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Many People In Our Culture Today Don't Know What ... PRO
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I Read Of A Norwegian Missionary, Marie Monsen, ... PRO
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I read of a Norwegian missionary, Marie Monsen, who served in China in the 1950s. She testified to the intervention of angels when Christians were in great danger. They had taken refuge in the mission compound only to be surrounded by looting soldiers and they were astonished to find that they ...read more
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