Recently I Read The Biography Of Norman Grubb, A ... PRO
Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Oct 18, 2000 (message contributor)
Recently I read the biography of Norman Grubb, a missionary in Africa and the leader of his mission for 30 years. I was struck by what he wrote: "At conversion we learned that we had not done what we should, but then we soon learn that of ourselves we cannot do what we should." We need the enabling of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses to Jesus by lip and life on a daily basis.
The same point is made in John Wesley’ life-changing experience in Aldersgate Street in May 1738. He acknowledges that he had become a true believer in justification by faith since the previous March and yet he knew he lacked something and was hungry for it. But at that meeting he said, "I felt my heart strangely warmed..." He had believed before, but now he had an...
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The Sign In The Window Read: "Boy Wanted". ...
Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Sep 30, 2004
The sign in the window read: "Boy Wanted". Young John Simmons, though he was lazy, saw his opportunity and applied. He was quickly hired by elderly Mr. Peters. The pace was leisurely so he enjoyed the job. Toward the middle of the afternoon however, he was sent up to the attic -- a dingy place ...read more
According To Medieval Legend, Before King Arthur ... PRO
Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 27, 2002
"According to medieval legend, before King Arthur sent his knights on errantry to right wrongs and befriend the helpless, he would call them together at his round table, where each knight could see the face of the his king and the faces of his fellows. Shall the followers of the King of Kings do ...read more
Experience In The Christian Walk Is To Be A ... PRO
Contributed by Paul Wallace on Oct 12, 2005
Experience in the Christian walk is to be a learning tool. You don’t learn truth by just mentally remembering it, you learn it by experiencing it in your life. God teaches you his word though experience. Sometimes stressful ones. What is the difference between a typewriter and a computer??? ...read more
All For One PRO
Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 27, 2002
ALL FOR ONE "According to Bill Jauss and Steve Rosenbloom in the Chicago Tribune, on July 19, 1996, Chad Kreuter, a reserve catcher for the Chicago White Sox, severely dislocated and fractured his left shoulder on a play at home. He underwent surgery, and the Sox placed him on the sixty-day ...read more
I Read One Time About How Shipbuilders Back In ... PRO
Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 15, 2005
I read one time about how shipbuilders back in the days of sailboats would prepare the masts for their ships. They would go to the forest and find an appropriate tree, then they would clear out all the surrounding trees and leave that one standing, leaving it exposed to the wind and ...read more
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