Long Ago In A Deep Mountain Valley Verdant With ... PRO
Contributed by Lynn Malone on Mar 23, 2006 (message contributor)
Long ago in a deep mountain valley verdant with growth and watered by a crystalline river there lived a tribe. They prospered and grew until the grass was grazed away, the game hunted to extinction, and the river ran dry. A group of young pioneer heroes rose up to say, “We have heard of a wider valley and deeper river over the mountains where no one has gone. Let us be up and going.”
They made their way to the deeper valley with the wider stream and it was as they had heard. They returned with their report to the tribal council. There was, however, a council called “The Old Men Who Know.” They responded that there could be no such place, and even it there were, the tribe could never make the journey.
The young heroes struggled until most of the tribe had died. Finally they made their way over the mountain to the land of the future. There they grew and prospered once again. Finally the day came when the grass in the new valley had been grazed down and the water ran low. A new group of...
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One Of The Chores That I Enjoy Doing Is Washing ... PRO
Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jun 15, 2004
One of the chores that I enjoy doing is washing my car. Like to see that dirt disappear. Like to see the shine of a freshly washed car. Like to shine up the tires, make the chrome sparkle, clean all the fingerprints and dog nose prints off the windows. Finish washing it. Park in front of ...read more
The Super Bowl Is Known As Much For Its ...
Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Apr 24, 2005
The Super Bowl is known as much for its commercials as it is for football, and Super Bowl XXXIX was no different. Ameriquest Mortgage Company sponsored two ads. One had a man coming home with a bag of groceries and a bouquet of flowers. He begins dinner by starting a pot of spaghetti sauce. As ...read more
One Of The Finest Steamers Afloat On Lake ... PRO
Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 14, 2004
One of the finest steamers afloat on Lake Champlain in Vermont, USA was the steamer "Champlain.’’ Cheer after cheer went up when she slid from her moorings on the dry-dock into the waters of the lake. Her machinery was perfect, her crew well trained, and the passengers on her for her maiden ...read more
In His Book Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis Helps ... PRO
Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Apr 24, 2005
In his book Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis helps us gain balance when he says, “If anyone thinks that Christians regard unchastity (sexual sin) as the supreme vice, he is quite wrong. The sins of the flesh are bad, but they are the least bad of all sins. All the worst pleasures are purely ...read more
Last Summer, Katie Brule's Friend Called Her And ... PRO
Contributed by Terry Cavanaugh on Feb 16, 2005
Last summer, Katie Brule’s friend called her and asked her to go to a party. Katie, 16, declined, but her friend wouldn’t take no for an answer and Katie caved in. At the party, she felt pressure from those around her to drink alcohol so she downed a couple of beers. Then the police showed up. ...read more
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