Sermon Illustrations

What American Christians Want: Christen researchers, the Barna Group, recently polled American attitudes on God and country. Some of their findings are: Removing the Ten Commandments—18% of adults support “removing signs that list the Ten Commandments from government buildings.” 79% rejected this policy. Less than one-half of one percent of evangelicals favored it. Removing “In God We Trust” from US currency also has limited public support. Only 13% favored eliminating the phrase, while 84% oppose the idea. Removing “One Nation Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance was supported by only 15% of adults vs. 84% who dismissed it. Teaching Creationism in Public Schools is supported by 59% of adults and opposed by 38%. 86% evangelicals support the policy. Using the “F-word” on TV was opposed by 83% while 15% feel it’s acceptable. Christianity: America’s “Official” Religion—a constitutional amendment to establish Christianity as the official religion of the US was opposed by 66% while 32% favored it. (Barna Online 7/27/04)

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