Sermon Illustrations

Pastors Perceptions: Barna Research has recently completed an extensive survey of Senior Pastors in America. 83% describe themselves as "evangelical Protestant and 81% say they are "theologically conservative." 37% claimed to be Wesleyan or Arminian and 32% are Reformed or Calvinist in their theological views. Seeker-driven pastors head 1/3 of the nation’s Protestant congregations. Only 8% of all pastors claim to have the spiritual gift of evangelism while 66% cite teaching or preaching as their gift. Other gifts claimed include administration (16%) prophecy (13%), leadership (12%), evangelism (8%) and encouragement (6%). 95% of Senior Pastors are married men serving full-time. More than 80% have a college degree and their median age is slightly under 50. (13% have been divorced at least once). Only 60% have a seminary degree. The typical pastor has his or her greatest ministry impact at a church in years 5 through 14 of their pastorate, yet the average pastor lasts only 5 years at a church. (Barna Online 9/26/01)

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