On A Snowy Winter's Day In 1941, Ss Gruppenführer ...
Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on May 31, 2005 (message contributor)
On a snowy winter’s day in 1941, SS Gruppenführer Hans Wolf received orders that he was to search the house of his own pastor Martin Kirchschläger.
Kirchschläger was a Lutheran pastor closely connected to the Confessing Church.
Wolf came to Kirchschläger to tell him that he would be returning in 2-3 hours to look for evidence that would send Kirchschläger and his family to the concentration camps.
Martin and Inge Kirschschläger had time therefore to go through their house and burn all the incriminating documents so that when Wolf and his men returned two to three hours later they found nothing
Wolf’s loyalty to Jesus Christ was greater than his loyalty to the Nazi State.
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