Sermon Illustrations

When I went to Honduras, through your generosity, I was able to take over 100 Evangecubes (see to the churches there. Evangecubes are little cubes that tell the story of the Gospel with pictures. I remember going to one little church and showing the people how to use them. After they learned how to unfold the cube and share the message with other people, one man stood up and said to the other people in the church: “We can do this. Most of us can’t read, so if there were words we couldn’t use this. But there are no printed words so all of us can do this. We are going to go out into our community and rob the devil’s kingdom of souls he has been holding in captivity and bring them to Jesus ” Now here was a man who was uneducated and could not even read. He had been an alcoholic and there were deep wounds in his head where he had been in a machete fight. I want to ask you a question. How does he “get it” when millions of Christians in the United States with all kinds of education and resources don’t get it? How does he get it when people trained in theology and who are leaders in the mainline church don’t get it? How does this man in Honduras get it when Christians in our community don’t get it? There can only be one answer: We are overlooking the obvious.

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