Sermon Illustrations

News from Associated Press- Melissa Millis feels bombarded by everyday messages of sexual promiscuity, whether it’s Janet Jackson’s bare breast during the Super Bowl or her classmates’ casual sex talk. So Millis, a high school senior in Michigan, and thousands of others students across the nation wore T-shirts on the Friday before Valentines Day, to publicly show their commitment to not having sex outside marriage. They called the effort the “Day of Purity.” “The way sex is talked about, it’s so casual, like it’s an everyday thing, like going to McDonald’s,” said Millis, 17. The grass roots effort is sponsored by Christian groups nationwide. But the Day of Purity is being watched with a wary eye by groups that promote sexual tolerance, such as the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Alice Leeds, a spokeswoman for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays says, “The word ‘purity’ in this context is morally self-righteous. It’s redefining it in their context to conform to their frankly bigoted agenda.”...

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