Sermon Illustrations


Some years ago it was my privilege to be one of the speakers in a large Bible Conference held in Dallas, Texas. Inasmuch as I was conducting a revival meeting in Houston that same week, it was necessary for me to fly to and from the Dallas appointment.

My oldest daughter Nancy, at that time just four years old, had been visiting her aunt in Dallas and was quite anxious to fly back to Houston with her father.

Flying back we encountered a severe thunderstorm over the town of Bryan. The pilot announced that he was going to take the plane to a higher altitude in order that the plane might fly above the storm. Soon we beheld the black clouds and darting lightening in the clouds beneath. Above us the sun was shining in all its glory, though quite hidden from the people in the city below us.

In the clouds below us we beheld a wondrous sight; a glorious rainbow stretching from horizon to horizon in the shape of a perfect circle. The rainbow, as a multi-colored halo, was a spectacle to behold! Nancy was the most thrilled with what she saw. Her enthusiasm could not be constrained any longer. She cried: "Daddy, daddy, look, it’s a rainbow and we’re seeing it from the same side that God sees it from!"

I think perhaps everyone on that crowded airliner was struck with the realization that out of the mouth of a babe had come forth wisdom. Then I thought, how very true! To the people below all they could vision was storm clouds but we were flying above the clouds, in the glory of the sunshine and in perfect position to see the rainbow that God had put in the clouds. And as Nancy said, we were seeing it from...

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