C. S. Lewis Said: "To Love At All Is To Be ... PRO
Contributed by Mary Lewis on Feb 12, 2001 (message contributor)
C. S. Lewis said: "to love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one. Wrap it around carefully with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket of your selfishness. But in that casket -- safe, dark, motionless, airless -- it will change. It will not be broken; it will...
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Ravi Zacharias Tells The Amazing Story Of A ... PRO
Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Feb 2, 2003
Ravi Zacharias tells the amazing story of a young Christian in Vietnam. He writes, “I was ministering in Vietnam in 1971, and one of my interpreters was Hien Pham, an energetic young Christian. He had worked as a translator with the American forces, and was of immense help both to them and to ...read more
Fully Committed PRO
Contributed by J Spurling on Jan 29, 2003
FULLY COMMITTED “This is it guys!” he shouted as the Piper bounced onto the beach. They’re on their way!” Lunch over, the men busied themselves fixing up a miniature “jungle” and model house in the sand, with the intention of demonstrating to the savages how to build an airstrip, should they be ...read more
Many Years Ago A Young Midwestern Lawyer ... PRO
Contributed by Scott Chambers on Jan 29, 2003
Many years ago a young Midwestern lawyer suffered from such deep depression that his friends thought it best to keep all knives and razors out of his reach. He questioned his life’s calling and the prudence of even attempting to follow it through. During this time he wrote, "I am now the most ...read more
Remaining Faithful PRO
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 9, 2002
REMAINING FAITHFUL A study once disclosed that if both Mom and Dad attend church regularly, 72% of their children remain faithful. If only Dad, 55% remain faithful. If only Mom, 15%. If neither attended regularly, only 6% remain faithful. The statistics speak for themselves--the example of ...read more
I'm Told Of A Turkey Farmer Who Was Always ... PRO
Contributed by Pat Cook on Oct 7, 2005
I’m told of a turkey farmer who was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at ...read more
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