Tolerating Sin PRO
Contributed by Joel Vicente on May 31, 2003 (message contributor)
Kay Arthur, a Christian author, put it this way.
If you tolerate sin in your life, that sin will not only take you farther than you wanted to go, it will keep you longer than you wanted...
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The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe." Let Me ...
Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 2, 2003
“The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.” Let me repeat just a portion here: “Oh Children,” said the Lion, “I feel my strength coming back to me. Oh, children, catch me if you can!” He stood still for a second, his eyes very bright, his limbs quivering, lashing himself with his tail. Then he ...read more
Arrogance/Pride: (Mcmanus)in South America, The ... PRO
Contributed by Steve Miller on Jan 4, 2005
ARROGANCE/PRIDE: (McManus)In South America, the llama is a cultural metaphor for arrogance. To keep a herd of llamas corralled, you don’t even need a fence. All you need is one rope circling around the herd to keep them enclosed. Just by placing it at a height beneath the head and base of the ...read more
In Valladolid, Spain, Where Christopher Columbus ...
Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 6, 2004
In Valladolid, Spain, where Christopher Columbus died in 1506, stands a monument commemorating the great discoverer. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the memorial is a statue of a lion destroying one of the Latin words that had been part of Spain’s motto for centuries. Before Columbus made ...read more
Richard Dehaan Tells Of A Soldier Who Was Doing ... PRO
Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Sep 29, 2004
Richard Dehaan tells of a soldier who was doing sentry duty on the front line in WWI. After being relieved of duty, as a Christian, he wanted to pray, to thank God for protecting him and to ask specifically for his continued protection. But the enemy lines were very close and he couldn’t go far, so ...read more
Wayne Smith Tells Of An Add He Saw In A ...
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Aug 11, 2004
Wayne Smith tells of an add he saw in a California newspaper one Thanksgiving that read: "Divorce: Only $25- come in and unload that turkey!" And while we may smile at that, isn’t it a sad commentary on our culture ...read more
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Surviving The Silence Series
Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Jan 28, 2010
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Sifted As Wheat
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The Kingdom Torn In Two Series
Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Aug 29, 2011
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