Sermon Series
  • 1. Dreams Destroyed

    Contributed on May 16, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see the typical journey of a people who had God-sized dreams come crashing down. And my hope is as we go thru this text we’ll discover how to move from living a life of destroyed dreams to a life of fulfil

    Intro: One of my favorite animated films of all time is “Toy Story.” The 2 main characters in the story are Woody, a stuffed cowboy doll, and Buzz Light Year, who’s the latest and greatest action figure doll. Now my favorite of the two is Buzz Light Year. And the reason why more

  • 2. Bad Choices

    Contributed on May 16, 2013

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see 2 men compared w/one another. One man took advantage of his eternal opportunities and the other man didn’t. The result is one man found joy while the other man found disappointment. -One man f

    “Bad Choices” Luke 16: 19-31 Intro: A Sunday school teacher told his class the story in the Bible of the rich man and Lazarus. He explained that the wealthy man had wonderful clothes, lived in luxury and had all the food he could eat; but he had no compassion for Lazarus, who was a more

  • 3. Fame To Shame

    Contributed on May 16, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see the story of one of the great heroes of the Bible...Samson. But as you track his life you’ll see that there were some missteps that moved him from fame to shame. And it’s my hope that we can look at t

    “Fame to Shame” Judges 16: 15-22, 28-30 May 5, 2013 Intro: Mike Tyson was no doubt the MOST feared fighter of the 1990s. Even his nickname’s scary--Iron Mike! Mine pales in comparison--Elmo. Tyson was so dominating he started his career off by winning 19 straight more

  • 4. The Rich Young Ruler

    Contributed on May 16, 2013

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see a young man approach Jesus and ask Him the most important question of all time...”What must I do to have eternal life?” That is a GREAT question! There were a lot of things this young man did right.

    “The Rich Young Ruler” Matthew 19: 16-22 May 19, 2013 Intro: A new missionary was assigned a car that wouldn’t start w/o a push. After pondering his problem, he came up w/a plan. He went to the school near his home, got permission to take some children out of the more

  • 5. The Slow Fade

    Contributed on May 16, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see the Israelite people make a bad decision. And at the beginning it didn’t seem like they were that far off. But b/c they weren’t hitting life in the CENTER of the club, so to speak, they ended up in a

    “The Slow Fade” 1 Samuel 8: 1-18 May 26, 2013 Intro: For some strange reason I LOVE to play golf. When the weather’s good I usually get out to play golf once a week w/my dad. But as much fun as golf is, it has to be the most infuriating sport there is. It’s more