Willing To Be Corrected, Citation: Jack Hayford, ... PRO
Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Feb 8, 2003 (message contributor)
[Willing to Be Corrected, Citation: Jack Hayford, Midday Connection (11-28-01), used with permission from the Moody Broadcasting Network]
Pastor Jack Hayford tells the following story…
Early in his career, Matt Redman, the popular Christian musician in Britain, was singing with his church’s praise band when his pastor confronted them.
They were proud of their musical performance, he said, but they were neglecting true worship.
Insulted by the charge, the members of the band left the church—all, that is, except...
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Andrew Murray Said: "The Christian Who Is Still ...
Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 23, 2003
Andrew Murray said: “The Christian who is still carnal has neither desire nor strength to follow after God. He rests ...read more
It Is Better To Be Patient, Than It Is To Become ...
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It is better to be patient, than it is to ...read more
Story: C.t. Studd (Charles Thomas Studd) ... PRO
Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 5, 2003
Story: C.T. Studd (Charles Thomas Studd) (1860-1931) had this motto: "If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice ...read more
Someone Once Called A Preacher To Say He Wanted ... PRO
Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 30, 2003
Someone once called a preacher to say he wanted to become a church member. But, he went on to explain that he did not want to: worship every week, study the Bible, visit the sick, or serve as a leader or teacher. The minister commended him for his desire to be a church member, but ...read more
Have You Heard The Story Of Jim Smith And Ron ... PRO
Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 30, 2003
Have you heard the story of Jim Smith and Ron Jones? Jim went to church one Sunday morning. He heard the organist miss a note, and he made a face. He saw a teen talking when everyone else was praying. He felt sure that the usher was watching to see how much money he put in the offering ...read more
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