Historically Profound Moral Understanding PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 28, 2002 (message contributor)
Dallas Willard writes: "What Jesus had to say about human good and evil was of sufficient depth, power, and justification to dominate European culture and its offshoots for two millennia. Nobody even has an idea of what 'Europe' and the 'Western world' would mean apart from Jesus and his words. The historian of morals W.E.H. Lecky describes the teaching of Jesus as 'an agency which all men must now admit to have been, for good or for evil, the most powerful moral lever that has ever been applied to the affairs of man.'"
It wasn’t just what Jesus had to SAY about morality that changed the world forever. It was what Jesus had to DO that changed everything--and that continues to change everyone who will believe on him.
At communion time, we remember the greatest moral teacher...
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According To The National Highway Traffic Safety ...
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Jerome Was A Church Father Who Translated The ... PRO
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A Roman Catholic Priest […] Was Making His Way ... PRO
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It Seems There Was A Pretzel Stand Out Front Of ... PRO
Contributed by Donnie Martin on Nov 15, 2003
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