[065]. A Message From A Poem – Earth Is Going To Reap Its Sinfulness
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 22, 2025 (message contributor)
“You will get what you deserve!” “I hope you get into lots of trouble.” These may be the sayings of children and the thoughts of adults. What they are all looking to is retribution. Retribution is usually associated with revenge and vengeance is a nasty thing. It is what drove Cain to murder Abel. This is quite a serious poem dealing with contemporary matters.
However there is a word that has full meaning when it is applied to God, and it is the word “recompense”. It means reaping what you have sown, or collecting your wages.
{{Galatians 6:8 “for the one who SOWS TO HIS OWN FLESH SHALL FROM THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life.”}}
{{Romans 6:23 “for THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”}} {{Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked, for WHATEVER A MAN SOWS, THIS HE WILL ALSO REAP.”}}
Recompense rests in the hands of God, gladly not in mine!!
Here is a warning – {{Hebrews 2:2-3 “for if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable, and EVERY TRANSGRESSION AND DISOBEDIENCE RECEIVED A JUST RECOMPENSE, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was at the first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard,”}}
All transgressions and disobedience will receive a just penalty. We don’t want get on a soapbox and thunder judgement all around but we have to acknowledge the principle of recompense operates in the bible. There are so many incidents in the Old Testament and even in the New Testament; Ananias and Sapphira being a case in point.
Accountability is a serious matter. This verse deals with that – {{Matthew 16:27 “The Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels and will then RECOMPENSE EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS.”}} That is why at the great white all the unsaved will be judged according to their deeds.
The title about the earth going to reap its sinfulness, is fact. When the great Tribulation comes after the Church is removed, the wrath of God will fall on a wicked world. {{1 Thessalonians 1:10 “and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is, Jesus who delivers us from THE WRATH TO COME.”}} We don’t want to see that come but it lines up with the righteousness of God that holiness must judge and expunge all that is evil and unclean.
I hope the poem is meaningful for you.
Ron - MycenaPink@gmail.com
From babies who never came to birth.
Those who on this planet are living,
And to the world evil are giving –
Demonic people through all the lands;
They are the tools worked in Satan’s hands.
Is Satan, whose lies he is spinning,
Deluding the nations with his bile;
Through deceit, strong “angel light”, and guile.
Satan’s influence is stronger now
Because the world, to the Lord, won’t bow.
His time is short, and it won’t be long
Until the Saviour will right each wrong.
But first He calls for His redeemed ones
In rapture, when in the air He comes.
By all those the devil subverted.
Whatever is of God, he attacks.
No evil in his weapons he lacks,
But demonic hosts oppose what’s right,
To bring gross darkness before man’s sight.
Who live out their lives in Satan’s ways.
Their marriage models Sodom's disgrace.
What God instituted, they deface.
But they are no worse than murderers,
Defrauders, drunkards and perjurers.
All sin is growing its recompense;
Its reward, one day, God will dispense.
The pawns, the playthings of debased whims.
What is perverted – go look and see -
Their gender; their sexuality.
Their education has been defiled
By foulness, innocent lives beguiled;
By socialist manipulations;
Through their perverted stipulations.
Children encouraged to perversion
Against morality, aversion [[(subversion) (morality’s aversion)]]
(Someone’s corrupt sensuality).
Satan destroys the unborn infants,
And stalks children like spiteful serpents.
Nothing’s sacred now, nothing’s untouched.
Decency with evil is retouched.
As it was in the days of Sodom,
And as it was in Noah’s maelstrom,
So shall it soon be in this vile world;
Coming soon will be God’s wrath unfurled.
Where only darkness it is seeing.
The Lord must extinguish the blackness;
Abolish the satanic darkness.
Then will come the new heavens and earth;
Earth will enter eternal new birth.
The Lord has always been in control,
And knew all about what Satan stole.
God will restore His blessings galore -
Glory, beauty, peace forever more.
18 September 2021 R E Ferguson A-A–B-B etc throughout.
Metre = Three initial 7’s All the rest is 9 throughout.
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