Sermon Illustrations

Our sins, transgressions, and iniquities can manifest in our physical bodies. In Matthew 9:2, Jesus tells a paralyzed man, "Your sins are forgiven. Take up your bed and go." He got up! In 30+ years of ministry, I have seen plenty of folks receive healing from physical problems caused by the sin of unforgiveness. Let me share one example: One church I was serving decided to have weekly prayer meetings. We would sing a little and I would do a short teaching on God's desire to heal. Then, we would pray for folks at the altar. One night, a woman who lived next door to the church came for prayer. She had visited the church and attended some Bible Studies. That night, she was one of the first ones to the altar. I went over and asked her what I could pray for her. Her answer was all over the place. That's when I received a word from God for her: "You need to forgive your mother." What I saw in her face was a sudden flash of red-hot anger. I waited for it to pass and then taught her the words to speak when we want to forgive others: "Lord, I choose to forgive __(name)__ for __(what he/she did to me)__ and the way it made me feel __(angry, sad, etc.)__. Amen." As soon as she put her mother's name in that prayer, the tears began to flow. She stayed at that altar while others came and went. Then, all of a sudden, she started praising God for the weight that was lifted off her. We all started praising God - it was amazing! Then came the real miracle - she stood up and walked right out of her shoes. For many years, she had suffered from swelling in her feet and ankles and always had her shoelaces out as far as the shoe would go. That night, while God was taking away the heavy weight of unforgiveness from her, there was a healing! Her feet and ankles went back to normal. With her new found health, she went back to riding horses, something she had missed for a few years.

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