Sermon Illustrations

We need to have core beliefs that do not change over time – NO MATTER WHAT! The doctrine of atonement is under attack today. It is attacked by folks who look at humans and see each one as basically good who occasionally do bad things. They talk about each person’s freedom to become your authentic self – which basically means you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want. In order to do that, you must get rid of a Holy God and God’s Holy Word.

Those of us who try to see the world God made through the lens of God’s Holy Word, we see things in a different way. Every human being is made in the image of God, but we are far from good – we come into this fallen world as fallen persons. Children are born with the ability to be self-centered and selfish. Just ask the parent of a two-year-old😊 We need saving from ourselves and from the evil in our world. That’s why Jesus died on the cross. He shed His blood – the just for the unjust – He did that for you and me.

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