Sermon Illustrations

John 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Sadly, there are many buildings with church on the sign that Jesus is knocking on the door to get in. Some He has never been in and others He had been in but they turned Him by denying the Scriptures. Many people in those buildings have not heard the knock of Jesus and that includes the pastor and staff.

There are many people in churches where Jesus is received, but they have not heard the knock on their hearts. They are enthralled with the music, the sermons and the fellowship, but have never received Jesus, only Christianity.

Some in those churches have heard the knock of salvation, but not the knock of service. They have tuned their ears to their own pursuits or their own "I" points of desires. (IPODs) with the volume so loud that they cannot hear the still small voice accompanying the knock seeking entrance to give them an abundant life of service and blessing.

Let us clean out the wax of our spiritual ears. You know that self-seeking, that slumber of boredom, those lusts of the eyes and the flesh that leads to the pride of life. Come to Him to have it cleansed.

Some need to be washed in the blood by salvation. Those that are His need only their feet washed. Come, let us receive Him becoming the sons of God and empowered to have us changed so we can change the world for Him. Maranatha!

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