Unlocking Your Godly Potentials
Contributed by Godsgift Bee Willie on Feb 13, 2025 (message contributor)
Deus Vocatio (Called of God) and the Mission
Idea of The Called of God and God's Mission
However; The idea of the called of God in systematic theology by Louis Berkhof point it out clear that "Calling precedes or predate regeneration; this mean calling go back to Jeremiah 1:5 that reveals before man was born how he was designed or formed and what he or she was ordained for, likely; the purpose of his existence, mission, calling or destiny. This explanation is simply defined, I hard you saying Pastor Godsgift how? This simply means calling Theologically is a Divine career, God life business in humans, lifework, a particular occupation by which you are trained. Johan Botha postulated that in the New Testament "calling" in the Greek terms translated with related expressions- naturally didn't relate to the modern sense of the paid work involving our daily tasks.
However: Paul himself took pride in the fact that he was a tentmaker and could thereby remain relatively independent of congratulations, which promoted his sense of apostolic freedom and confidence. Paul also made use the opportunity to warn the early Christians, nothwithstanding their expectations with regard to the immediacy of the second coming, to keep working so that they might be self-sufficient and also able to take care of the poor, rather than sit around idly waiting for the event of Christ's return. Until the time of Matin Luther - i.e. throughout Medieval Christianity - "Calling actually ranked as an increasingly important issue, but it was usually regarded as a spiritual calling.
In late Medieval Western European Communities particularly in the cities, people accepted that class and labour were therefore frequently assigned occupation as those with the calling from God, a spiritual service in the institution of the church.
The following are the ideas that should come through your mind while preparing to unlock greater potentials
"Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV) Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." It's first implies;
-that the existence of man is to reveal that which is deposited in his inside before time.
-the act of renewing, reproduction or reminding the purpose of human existence such as not to deviate from God's plans and purpose.
-the idea in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 reveals Destiny as what each and every one of us was created to do and most. Though sometimes, the devil may want to lead human to sin so to distract or delay the plan of God, it is by this reason God showed forth to help humanity not to be a victim of circumstances.
Another idea here is to know God and to enjoy Him forever.” We do that by our relationships with God and one another. Our calling and purpose are never in a vacuum, it always intersects with someone else. It is through those connections with one another that we see different aspects of God. When God uses us in different ways and situations, we gain more knowledge of Him.
While everyone’s chief end is the same, how we demonstrate our purpose is different for each person. That is where our call and individual purpose Or destiny come in.
Deeper Understanding of the Divine Calling
A divine calling, often referred to as a "vocation," is the realization that one's purpose in life originates from God. It transcends personal ambition and focuses on fulfilling a mission designed to impact others and glorify God. To understand your divine calling, you must first seek clarity about who God is and how He reveals Himself to those He calls.
Throughout history, the Bible has provided numerous examples of individuals called to a higher purpose:
1. Moses was called from a life of exile to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt.
2. Esther was chosen for a time to save her people.
3. Paul transitioned from persecuting Christians to becoming one of the most influential apostles.
Each calling was unique, tailored to the individual, and marked by an undeniable encounter with God. What distinguishes a divine calling is not just its purpose but also the sense of responsibility and the challenges accompanying it.
The Characteristics of a Divine Calling
1. Divine Encounter: Many who are called have a moment of revelation or clarity. For instance, Moses encountered God in the burning bush (Exodus 3).
2. Confirmation: God often confirms His calling through His Word, circumstances, or other people.
3. Obstacles: Challenges are part of the process. They test your faith and commitment to the mission.
How to Prepare for Your Calling
1. Deepen Your Relationship With God: Regular prayer, meditation, and study of the Word are essential.
2. Seek Godly Counsel: Surround yourself with mentors and advisors who can guide you.
3. Develop Your Gifts: God equips those He calls. Cultivate the skills and talents needed for your mission.
4. Remain Obedient: Partial obedience is disobedience. Follow God's instructions fully.
Leading Your Calling to Fulfilment :
Leading your calling through the bigger the destiny, the bigger the challenges involves daily commitment. It is not a one-time event but a lifetime journey. Remember, God's calling is not about personal glory but serving His purpose. The following are keys for living out your purpose;
Stay Humble: A calling is a privilege, not a right.
Be Persistent: The road may be long, but perseverance will lead to fulfillment.
Glorify God: Always remember that your calling is meant to honor Him and bless others.
Reflective Questions:
1. What evidence have you seen of God’s calling in your life?
2. What steps can you take to better align yourself with His mission for you?
3. How do you handle challenges that arise as you pursue your calling?
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