Sermon Illustrations

Let’s talk about following the speed limit. Why not? Maybe you don’t like being told what to do? That’s the definition of rebellion. Maybe you know better than everyone else. If so, those closest to you suffer the most! The starting point is safety. I have some family members that refuse to wear a seatbelt. Not sure why? Guess what, it’s the law, so we should wear it. The reason we have speed limits on the roads are for safety. Not just your safety, but the safety of others.

What would happen if we let everybody drive the speed they want? You would not like it if folks were driving in your neighborhood at 60 mph. On the other hand, you want to drive the roads outside your neighborhood at 60 mph no matter the posted speed limit. One of the definitions of anarchy is “everyone does what is right in their own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)

People are often amazed when I tell them I try to drive the speed limit most of the time. Many ask me what I do on the interstate? Good question. Since most weeks, I have to spend time on one of our interstate highways, let me explain what I do. I usually drive 4 or 5 mph over the speed limit. That keeps me in line with 90% of the cars. If I have to slow down for a car in my lane and let others pass me – no problem. There are also times when all the lanes are moving faster than I usually like to go. So, that’s when I get in line with them and go the speed everyone is going. It won’t last too long and then I can slow down and get in line with the other folks going my speed. All of this helps me be at peace.

I do this willingly, not because of the threat of a speeding ticket. I do this because I willingly submit myself to God – as a bondservant.

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