Sermon Illustrations

I once saw a video of a pastor who had figures, covered with sheets, up in the front of the church. As he started to preach, they were uncovered and you could see monsters and scary characters related to Halloween. The preacher kept asking, “Should these be in the House of God?” The congregation got louder and louder as they yelled “NO!” Then the pastor asked, “So why do you have them in your front yards?” and there was silence in the sanctuary. You can already figure out the rest of that pastor’s sermon.

Most of the time, I hear us being called hypocrites. In other words, we act one way in church on Sunday and a different way on Monday. One of the hallmarks of holiness of heart and life is consistent behavior. If I wouldn’t tell an off-color joke in church, should I tell it at work? Should I even listen to it? What about gossip at work or in the neighborhood? Should our TV and movie watching be wholesome and clean?

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