Sermon Illustrations

Many readers will be familiar with Al Mohler’s helpful analogy of “theological triage” in which he speaks of first-order, second-order, and third-order doctrines. (Note - this is a theological statement about the Bible, not a clear biblical statement from Scripture. It is one author trying to find a way to build better unity within the Body of Christ).

First-order doctrines according to Mohler are the core claims of Christianity that define true faith from counterfeit faith; think the Trinity, the incarnation, substitutionary atonement, and bodily resurrection.

Second-order doctrines lead to different denominational traditions: think baptism, church polity, miraculous spiritual gifts, gender roles in marriage, etc.

Third-order doctrines are those theological opinions that honest Christians can disagree about and yet still be a part of the same church or group of churches; think the millennium, the extent of the atonement, and the age of the earth......or even if we live on a flat earth or not.

Theological triage doesn’t solve every dispute. We might disagree over whether the age of the earth or gender roles is second-order or third-order. Nevertheless, it’s a useful tool for helping to determine the difference between wonky doctrine and damnable heresy.

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