The Pastor's Wife Behind England's Greatest Pastor
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Apr 17, 2024 (message contributor)
Susannah Spurgeon (née Thompson; January 15, 1832 – October 22, 1903) was a British author and the devoted wife of Charles Spurgeon. Let’s delve into her remarkable life:
Marriage and Family:
Susannah Thompson married Charles Spurgeon on January 8, 1856. They were blessed with twin sons, Charles and Thomas, born on September 20, 1856. Their union was characterized by deep love and companionship. Susannah described their life together as “two pilgrims treading this highway of life together, hand in hand, heart linked to heart” .
Health Challenges and Support:
Susannah faced gynecological health issues and underwent surgery performed by James Young Simpson in 1869. Unfortunately, her health deteriorated, and she spent much of her life as an invalid. However, despite her physical struggles, she remained steadfast in her support of her husband’s ministry.
Legacy and Contributions:
Susannah established the Book Fund in 1875, which distributed over 200,000 theological books to needy pastors by the time of her death. She authored several books, including her own memoir titled “Ten Years of My Life in the Service of the Book Fund” (1886).
Additionally, she coedited and significantly contributed to her husband’s autobiography.
Her work was driven by a commitment to labor for God’s glory, the benefit of many, and the promotion of Charles Spurgeon’s legacy. Many of us as pastors would not have Charles Spurgeon's works had it not been for the faithfulness of a DEDICATED PASTOR'S WIFE.
Pastor, have you stopped recently to thank God for your wife or, for some, to remember the memory of the one who loved you and supported you in your calling. I know that I am blessed beyond measure to be married to Rosanne, the greatest Pastor's Wife I have ever seen! Thank You, Lord.
- Dr. Larry Petton
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