Sermon Illustrations

1 Timothy 3:6 - "Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil."

Recently, a father sat down with his four-year-old son and asked him if he would like the $10 in his right hand or the two Oreo cookies in his left hand. His son immediately chose the Oreo cookies. His father told him that he could buy a whole bag of Oreo cookies with the $10 but his son didn’t hesitate. He wanted the two Oreo cookies. Because of his level of maturity, the $10 had no value in his mind but the Oreo cookies did.

We see this all too often in the Church. A person who can sing is elevated to the position of worship leader. A charismatic person is given opportunities to preach. People are given opportunities to minister to God’s people because they have a talent even when they may be spiritual babies.

The Church must ask itself: Does Jesus need the talented leading His Church or does He need disciples leading His Church? Far too many are choosing the talented.

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