Salvation Is Free, But It Will Cost Your Life
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Jan 28, 2024 (message contributor)
I am often asked, "How can salvation be free, but, yet, Jesus said that we cannot by His disciple unless we forsake everything for Him?" (Luke 14). Let me explain the answer to this question in a story.
Once there was a man who collected and traded in pearls. He had a fine collection of his own. But one day, while he was away on business, he spotted a beautiful pearl in a Jeweler's window. It was a pearl such as he had never seen, perfect in shape, size, and color. He thought to himself, "I must have that pearl." So he went into the Jewelry store and ask to see that beautiful pearl.
The Jeweler carefully spread a piece of black velvet on the counter top, and gently placed the pearl upon it. The man was overwhelmed at the sight of that pearl. With great intensity he looked the pearl over, carefully examining it. Finally, he said to the Jeweler, "That's got to be the most exquisite pearl I have ever seen." The Jeweler replied, "My friend, that is the most exquisite pearl in the whole world. There is not another one anywhere to compare with it."
"I must have that pearl," the man said. "How much is it?" The gentleman behind the counter replied, "I am afraid that you cannot afford this pearl." "But I must have it; I'll pay anything," the man said. "Anything?" replied the Jeweler. "Yes, anything," "Very well. If you want this pearl, you can buy it; but it will cost you everything you have." "Everything I have:" the man exclaimed. "Yes, everything."
He paced the floor for a while. At last, he said, "I must have that pearl, I'll pay the price." So he took out his wallet and began to count his money. He kept only five dollars for himself. He said, "I will have to buy some gas for my car." The jeweler said, "Do you have a car? It will cost you your car too." "But how will I get back and forth to work?" "Oh do you have a job? It will cost you your job too." "But," the man said, "If I give up my job, how will I pay for my house?" "Oh, you-have a house? I am afraid that this pearl will cost you your house too." "But, sir, what would then become of my family, my wife and children?" "Do you have a family? It wiI1 cost you your family too."
Then the man said, "But that's everything I have." The jeweler responded, "I told you, it will cost you everything you have to obtain this pearl." "But I didn't know you meant everything." "Yes, everything." At last the man said, "I must have that pearl. I'll pay it." And he gave him everything he had.
Then the Jeweler gave him the pearl. And he gave him his money, the keys to his car, and the deed to his house, told him to keep his job, his wife, and his children. He said, “now remember all of these things belong to me. I want you to take them and use them. But don't ever forget, they belong to me. Anytime I call for them, or call upon you to use them for me, you must remember they are all mine. You gave them to me for this pearl."
Salvation is free.....but it will cost you your life.
- Precept Austin
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