The Calling - Story About Peter Marshall
Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Nov 7, 2023 (message contributor)
In her book, ...A Man Called Peter, ...Catherine Marshall ...tells how her late preacher-husband ...felt a sense of destiny ... a sense of call ...in his life. (Pause)
One dark night, ...Peter, ...then a young man, ...decided to take a Shortcut ...across the Scottish moors.
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He knew there was a deep deserted limestone quarry in that area, ... but he was confident ... that even in the dark...he could avoid it.
Suddenly, ...he heard someone call, ... (Use A Deep Voice) "Peter." ...There was great urgency... in the voice.
Peter stopped and responded: ... "Yes, who is it?
What do you want?" ... There was no answer.
He walked a few more steps ...and then heard the voice calling more urgently ..."Peter!"
He paused ...then he stumbled ...and fell on his knees.
Putting out his hand to catch himself, ......he found nothing there.
He was at the very edge... of the abandoned stone quarry.
Just one more step ... would have meant ... certain death." (Pause)
There was never any doubt in Peter Marshall's mind ... the source of that voice.
The calling that night ... confirmed for Peter Marshall ...that he was clearly ......being called by God.
Beloved ... I am convinced ......that each of us ...has been called by God ...to fulfill a purpose, ...... to fulfill a spiritual calling ...in this life.
We are called ...to become a part ......of the Masters plan.
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