Sermon Illustrations

There is an ancient Christian fable ... that tells of Jesus encounter he reentered ...Heaven.

As the angels spoke with him, ...Gabriel, noticed ...that Jesus bore the marks of the cross, ...and being inquisitive, ...said to Jesus:

Master, must have suffered terribly for those people ...down there.

There was some suffering, ...Jesus replied.

And ... said Gabriel, ... Do all of them know ... how you loved them ...and what you did for them?

Oh no, ... said Jesus, ... Not yet. ...... Just a few Palestine know.

So, what have you done, said Gabriel, let everyone know?

Jesus said, ...I have asked Peter, James, and John and a few others... to tell others ...about me,

And the others tell yet others ...and others, ...until the world has heard... what has been done. (Pause)

Gabriel... was less than convinced... that this was ... a workable plan.

He said to Jesus: ... What if Peter, James, and John... and these others ...get tired ...and fail?

What would happen ...if many years from now ...people just do not tell others about what you have done?

Are there other plans? ...Is there a back-up strategy? (Pause)

Jesus replied: ...I have made no other plans.

(Slow) I am counting ...on them! (Long Pause)

The same call Jesus extended to Peter, Andrew, James, and John; ... He extends me and you ... and to all ...who have received... His call... to salvation.

Beloved... Jesus is counting on me ... and Jesus is counting you.

Remember who you are in Christ.

You are a Fisher of Men ... You are a Fisher of People. (Matthew 4:19) (Pause)

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