Sermon Illustrations

This story is reported as true ... though true or a parable ... it speaks to the importance ... of the One ... of one who can save.

It was almost 1:00 in the morning... when the phone rang.

Dr. Leo Winters, ...a highly acclaimed surgeon... was abruptly awakened ...from his nights sleep.

There had been an accident... and his skilled hands ...were needed... for immediate surgery.

The quickest route the hospital...happened to be through... a rather tough area of the city, ...but with time being a critical factor, ...... it was worth ...the risk.

At one of the stoplights... his door was yanked open... by a man with a gray hat... and a dirty flannel shirt.

"I got to have your car!" ... the man screamed, ...pulling the Doctor ... from his seat.

Winters tried to explain ...the gravity of the situation ...but the man ...would not listen.

When the doctor... was finally able to get a taxi to the hospital ...... over an hour had elapsed ......and it was too late the patient... had passed away ...30 minutes earlier.

The nurse told him......... that the father of the victim ...had gone to the chapel ...wondering why ...the doctor never came.

Dr. Winters ...walked hurriedly to the chapel... to explain ...what had happened... to him.

When he entered ...he saw the father kneeling in the front row, ... he was wearing a gray hat ...and a dirty flannel shirt.

Tragically... he had pushed from his life...... the "one "... The One...who could have... saved his son.

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