The Man In History Who Refused His Own Pardon
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Dec 18, 2021 (message contributor)
In the early 1800’s, President Andrew Jackson issued a full pardon to George
Wilson, a man sentenced to be hanged for his crime. However, believe it or not, George Wilson refused the pardon from President Jackson. But could he legally refuse the
President’s pardon?
Supreme Court Justice John Marshall declared, “The value of a pardon depends upon its acceptance by the one offered the gift. If it is refused, it is, therefore, no pardon. And George Wilson has therefore chosen to die by hanging.” And, sure enough, read your history book. Wilson refused to be pardoned and he was hanged to death. He chose death over life.
You can actually chose your own eternal death when you refuse the free pardon for your sin offered to you by Jesus. The pardon is available to all, but only those who "receive Christ" are called the children of God on their way to Heaven according to John 1:12.
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