Sermon Illustrations

I love this quote as I believe it is hard for the Christian artist to always understand their place in the church.

Truth be told, artists have an incredible gift and responsibility in the community to illuminate the realities of the Word and of this life we live. Wright puts it well:

"The vocation of the artist is to speak of the present as beautiful in itself but pointing beyond itself, to enable us to see both the glory that fills the earth and the glory that will flood it to overflowing, and to speak, within that, of the shame without ignoring the promise and of the promise without forgetting the shame... Here is the challenge, I believe, for the Christian artist, in whatever sphere: to tell the story of the new world so that people can taste it and want it, even while acknowledging the reality of the desert in which we presently live."

- N.T. Wright from, "Surprised by Scripture; Engaging Contemporary Issues," pages 202-3

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