Sermon Collections
  • Satisfied | Do Not Forget God

    Shared on: Oct 9, 2023

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    When things are easy and everything is going our way it is common to forget that everything we have is from the Lord. If our houses are secure, our families healthy, and our jobs are prospering, it is solely due to the Lord our God who has mercifully chosen to bless us. However, this is something that we all too often forget. Historically, the church has not drawn as near to God during the "good" times as we did through the hard times of trials and tribulations. This is one of the many benefits of remembering the petition in the Lord's Prayer, "give us this day our daily bread." Yes, we may go out and work hard for our bread, but it is ultimately from the Lord just like everything else we receive in this life. If we forget this and live our life according to our own rules, we will be subject to discipline from our caring Father in Heaven.

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