Sermon Collections
  • Peace & Hope | God’s Love Poured Into Our Hearts

    Shared on: Aug 14, 2023

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    Doesn't it seem like every generation says something like, "the world is in chaos" or "we are on the brink of the next world war" or even "we need to get back to how we were before!" Well, since the fall, every generation has been saying such things to one varying degree or another. We all long for peace on earth. But until Christ returns and destroys his enemies, the world will continue to be in turmoil. And yet, the Christian is called to live in peace and with hope. How? Because of the fact that God loves us! He loves those for whom he sent his one and only unique Son to die for. Has every soul in your congregation experienced the love of God poured into their hearts by the powerful working of the Holy Spirit?

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