Authentic life
As Christ followers, we cling to Jesus rather than become like the Pharisees who valued knowing about God more than walking with God. Preach this sermon from John 9:1-41 and help your church experience the power of authentic life in Jesus.

This premium sermon kit includes:
- Customizable Sermon Manuscript
- 4 Sermon Videos for the Big Screen
- 2 Promotional Images for Social Media
- Presentation Slide Deck
Discovering God's love & light
In John 9:1-41, Jesus heals a blind man and starts him on a journey of discovery that will last for eternity. The Pharisees show themselves to be the blind ones, as they were well-versed in their scriptures and their laws but they were far from
knowing the God of creation whose heart is full of love and light.
Unlock all series with PRO Premium.
It's all included here
Get a clear and customizable sermon manuscript, along with everything you need for a stellar service. It's all here, professionally designed and ready for you to make it your own!
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