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The title of this painting is “Supper at Emmaus”…but it could well be a Lenten Supper. A Lenten Supper is any meal–which becomes MORE than a meal. A Lenten Supper is a meal where the soul is nourished along with the body. These are times we long for to connect; be known, be heard, be understood and be loved.

All of this is happening in this painting and it is my profound experience that this deep and soulful connection happens many times when I gather with a friend for lunch and the lunch becomes MORE than a lunch. The time becomes–encounter. The time becomes church. The time is when Jesus is suddenly in our midst and we feast on him, not just our Cobb salad or tuna fish sandwich.

Lent is our time to slow the mind to run in sync with our souls. How does this happen admits our busy lives and demanding schedules? It happens when we create space and linger in time allowing Jesus to show up. In his presence we find ourselves alone no longer. In his presence our agony is assuaged. In his presence there is the fullness of joy.

I want a Lenten Supper with my closest companions. I want Jesus to show up in our midst. I am wanting Easter real bad right now.

This is my Lenten Journey!

The painting is my reflective work this week using Juliet Benner’s book. It’s by Caravaggio.

Supper photo

Stephen W. Smith and his wife Gwen are the Co-Founders of a Christian ministry called, Potter’s Inn.  

Steve and Gwen have been married since 1980 and spent 32 years ministering together to the hearts of people around the world. Steve has pastored churches in Kentucky, North Carolina, and the Netherlands. 

Currently, Steve and Gwen lead retreats throughout the world for leaders in the marketplace as well as ministry. A focus for Steve and Gwen is their work with individuals and couples in “Soul Care Intensives”–a private retreat with leaders.


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