Generosity: 15 Sermon And Worship Resources
By SermonCentral .com on Oct 19, 2024
During the holiday season, as we count our blessings, encourage your church to live out the call to generosity with these sermon and worship resources.
Generosity: 15 Sermon and Worship Resources
During the holiday season, as we count our blessings, encourage your church to live out the call to generosity with these sermon and worship resources.
By giving freely a person has plenty, a seeming paradox (2 Cor. 9:6). Conversely a person who is miserly, failing to help others in obvious need, will himself always be in need (28:22).
This is a passage that really speaks for itself. It looks at how much the glass of water meant to David, the great lengths his men went to get it, and how David then gave it to God in worship. Would we be willing to do the same?
3. Just Want to Bless Somebody
I think we often struggle today with service because we think it has to be some great act. If it’s not some great, newsworthy deed, we don’t think it is worth the effort.
A look at the blessings of generosity and receiving God’s grace.
We’ve lost the glory of giving. We don’t often equate giving as something glorious… perhaps feel grumbling about.. guilty about… good about… but I want to walk us through a picture God gives us of GLORIOUS GIVING.
It is really a fatal attraction to fall in love with things that have the potential to destroy our relationship with God, our fellowship with others and the peace in our lives. This is what happened in the Ananias and Sapphira story.
7. Do All the Good You Possibly Can
John Wesley said: Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”
The early church sold their lands to help the poor and needy amongst them. Were they setting the pattern for a communist commune? Were they socialists? Or was there something more basic going on here?
The first instance of gift giving took place between Mary and God. It’s really the first gift exchange. One came ready to give and was loaded down with presents. The other was caught off guard and had to make do with what she had. As we come to verses 31-35, God gives 7 gifts to Mary. Let’s see if we can unwrap each of them.
10. Giving to the Almighty God
It is during this month of December – during what we call the “holiday season” in which Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all celebrated – that it has become the custom of the land to honor one another with gifts. In other words, this is the time of year, like no other time of the year, that most of us get ceremoniously caught up in the spirit of gift giving.
11. PowerPoint Package: The Joy of Generosity
Remind listeners how those who sow generously will reap generously in the Kingdom of God.
Using scripture from Matthew 6:19-21, this reflective mini-movie is a statement from us to God expressing the heart behind why we give. It works great to set up a sermon on generosity, or to prepare for a time of giving.
13. PowerPoint Package: Giving Hands
Use these backgrounds for your sermon on giving, generosity, stewardship or the spiritual gift of giving.
14. Video: Thanksgiving Equals Action
During this holiday season, it is often easy to say, "Thank you..." for all our many blessings but does it end there? This video challenges the notion that Thanksgiving is a Holiday of simple words spoken to express gratitude and raises the idea that saying, "Thank you..." means very little if it isn't accompanied with action.
You know how you always try to make the offering an inspirational part of worship, but it sometimes feels like another routine announcement? This mini-movie can be used BEFORE or DURING the offering and offers an inspirational reminder of generosity.
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