Preaching Articles

Yep. Porn. You read it right.

Every church website needs a porn page – a page dedicated to pornography.

A couple of years ago, I added a page about porn (yep, to our church’s website and began to optimize it for search engine results.

Now, hundreds of people have found that page while searching for things like “arkansas porn” and “northwest porn” and various other related terms. Some have even found it while looking for “help with porn addiction.”

Visit the Grace Hills Porn Page What’s on the page? Well, these basic elements:

We could do more. We could incorporate video testimonials, giveaways of free software, and links to messages where we’ve talked about addiction, lust, and pornography. But this is a good start.

Here are some reasons why I believe every church ought to create a page like this…

  1. We talk about shining light in the darkness, but we don’t really enter the darkness much with the light. Google gives us a chance to do so by creating findable resources for those who are struggling.
  2. When we preach at people about their behavior but never preach to them with hope, we just create frustrated, disillusioned strugglers.
  3. When we don’t talk about an issue that a lot of people struggle with, we make it seem taboo, off limits, and that there is no help.
  4. People are looking for porn! LOTS of people. They need to know that what they’re searching for will never fill the void that Jesus can fill with his true, genuine love.
  5. It’s a gospel issue. It’s a sin issue, so repentance is necessary. We need to talk about this issue in a way that invites people to change rather than merely piling on more shame.
  6. Resources are out there! And the church has the people who need those resources. This is one way for us to build a bridge and plug people into helpful resources.
  7. Part of the church’s tendency to be anemic is the result of a ton of our guys feeling shame over their secret addiction to porn. Help them get free and see just how they can change the world.

Men are struggling in this area more and more. Women are struggling too. Teenagers are struggling. Families are hurting. People in the industry are suffering. People are being bought and sold as slaves to help support this industry. We’ve gotta do something! Why not start a church porn page?


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