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“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I had to rewrite my résumé today for our blog and for a program where I’ll be speaking soon.& That’s when I realized the material should state somewhere that I was recently widowed.

How exactly does one do this? And what’s the best way? And is it absolutely necessary? And why does it hurt so badly to type in those words?

One of the decisions I find myself making daily is whether or not to tell the person I’m talking with that everything has changed in my life. Does the lady at the dry cleaners need to know? Margaret never came in, so they didn’t know one another.

I told a complete stranger at Walmart today. I was browsing the refrigerated section that displays frozen dinners. I was curious about what was available, whether I bought anything or not. A woman employee approached. “Can I help you find something, sir?”

I said, “I guess not … I’m not sure what I’m looking for … I’m new at this …”  And then, “I buried her a month ago,” and the tears began to flow.

I was pleased she did not overreact. She simply said, “I’m so sorry. Now, the thing about all these frozen dinners, sir, is that they have too much salt. So you really have to be careful.”

That was helpful.  Why, I wondered later, did I blurt out what I did?

It’s my new reality, and I’m still “trying it on.” Is this the new me? Does this work? Can I be a widower, and does that make me handicapped? Or am I still a whole person?

I’ve never had to ask this before or even give it one thought.

I asked my buddy Jack for his favorite Scripture. Jack knows his brain cancer is fast-acting, and in spite of the chemo and other extreme measures he is receiving, at most he is expected to live no more than another year. Jack has requested that a neighboring pastor and I hold his funeral. As brothers in Christ for nearly a half-century, Jack and I treasure each other, and I consider this a high honor.

He did not hesitate. “Second Corinthians 5:17. ‘If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; all things have become new.'”

I said, “And why is this text so important to you?”

He said, “Because it’s the truth.” And nothing more.

When we receive Jesus Christ into our lives, everything changes, to be sure. The Lord writes our names down in the Book of Life. He erases the debt of sin against us. He enters our lives and makes us children of God. He adopts us into His family. He indwells, overshadows, precedes, undergirds and accompanies us from that moment on. He gives us a new identity, a new name, a new family and a future out of this world.

When a new reality takes over your life, it begins to define you. You are no longer who you were.  Anyone wishing to know you will need this information.

That’s why I tell some people about Margaret’s homegoing. And why it’s not necessary to tell others.

It’s why Jack and I want everyone to know that Jesus Christ has saved us and He is now ruling our lives. It’s our new reality. We are new creations in Him. (Our “new” reality? I was 11 and Jack perhaps 25 when the Lord saved us. But, yes. Life with the Lord Jesus Christ is ever new. Every day is something special, a new creation from His hand. He makes all things new.)

Adjusting to a new reality takes time and considerable effort. I still weep a lot. And I know enough about the process of grieving to affirm that when the tears begin to lessen, it will not mean I love her any less or am attempting to forget her.  It simply means I’m trying to be faithful for the days remaining.

Paul said, “If you then were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God…” (Colossians 3:1-3)

At the grocery, I will not be buying the same list as before. Margaret will not be needing the soy yogurt or the lactose-free milk. The reality for me has changed all that.

When my friend Jack and I interact with friends old and new, it will not be as the “old men” we once were. We are “new creations” in Jesus Christ. Our minds are “set on things above, not on things on the earth.”

Adjusting to the new reality is now my plan for the day. For every day.

And, it occurs to me, up in Heaven, my bride of nearly 53 years is doing her own adjusting to the new celestial reality. And how wonderful that must be. After all, “this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality” (I Corinthians 15:53).

This earthly body was not meant for Heaven. It has to be laid aside so the new body can be seen and do its thing. This new body is as much more glorious than the old as the butterfly is to the caterpillar. (Wouldn’t you love to know what goes on in the mind of the butterfly as suddenly he/she/it slaps those gloriously beautiful wings and goes soaring off into the sky? Talk about adjusting to a new reality! “I’m not a worm anymore!” Smiley-face now and forever!)

Even so, come Lord Jesus. I can’t wait.

But I must, even for a short time. Oh, Holy Spirit, help me to be faithful during these few more days.

Dr. Joe McKeever is a preacher, cartoonist, and the retired Director of Missions for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans. Currently, he loves to serve as a speaker/pulpit fill for revivals, prayer conferences, deacon training, leadership banquets, and other church events. Visit him and enjoy his insights on nearly 50 years of ministry at

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Karl Frank

commented on May 25, 2015

Having also lost my wife of many years over two years ago, I to wonder what each NEW day the L-rd is going to bring . There are STILL times when I notice that special pot Judi cooked in, or when a song comes on the radio that was one of her favorites, or reading her favorite Bible verse, tears still FLOOD me . Come L-rd J-sus COME ! Thank you Joe .

Doug Knox

commented on May 25, 2015

Joe, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. I lost my first wife in 2003, a few months shy of our twenty-fifth anniversary, and I did the same things you have described. I spoke to perfect strangers about it, simply because I had to. I watched my life cleave into before-death and after-death sections. Not long before Marie died, I was dismissed from high school Sunday school teaching position because I was "too deep." (There was merit to the complaint.) During my mourning period, I could not separate the loss of my wife from the loss of my ministry. My identifying verse became Philippians, 3:8, "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things..." The light is far away now, but it will grow to shine more deeply into wounded souls. I will be praying for you, my brother.

Lawrence Webb

commented on May 25, 2015

My wife and I are approaching our fiftieth anniversary (in July), so I cannot enter fully into your story, Joe. But our first pregnancy brought us premature twins sons, one who lived only 13 days. I do not dwell on that death morbidly after 46 years, but from time to time I still find myself needing to clarify that we have two "living" sons, rather than ignoring the fact that one son died in infancy. For a couple of years, I winced every time I saw twins of either sex or any age. God gives us the capacity to love, and He understands true love lives on after a dear one has died. God bless you.

Todd Young

commented on May 25, 2015

I am so sorry for your loss. May God minister to you the way you have ministered to me over the years.

Mh Constantine

commented on May 25, 2015

Thank you, Joe, for using this forum to share from your heart about loss and adjustment. More than that, thanks for your willingness to feel the pain that this effort must have brought as you wrote.

Dennis Cocks

commented on May 26, 2015

So sorry for your loss Brother Joe!

David Owen

commented on Feb 4, 2020

It is 07.45 in the Czech Republic and my eyes water at the sadness of your news. I have laughed and learnt with you, Joe. I know you will keep the faith and gain the prize. My prayers are with you.,

William D Bowlby

commented on Feb 8, 2020

I lost my wife of 50 years 7years ago and then after 3 years remarried. Today was informed she has cancer and they will soon operate. Chance of survival don't know>

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