William's church

Belton Presbyterian Church
Belton, South Carolina 29627
864 338 7133

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  • Hungry For Faith

    Contributed on May 4, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    An encounter with Christ is essential for true faith to take shape. Our encounter with the world is then empowered by the Christ we meet at the table.

    I made the point last week that poor ole doubting Thomas should not be singled out as the only disciple who had doubts about this new “resurrected” reality. Here is the rest of the story – as Paul Harvey would say – to vindicate Thomas. Verse 41 of today’s text clearly makes the point. “While in more

  • A Bout With The Doubts

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2003
    based on 551 ratings

    Using Thomas as an example of resurrected faith overcoming blinding doubt

    I know we all have heard about Thomas. “Doubting Thomas;” poor ole doubting Thomas. The guy has caught grief for 2000 years and my guess is that he will catch grief for the next 2000 years – or until the Lord returns. To be honest, I feel for the guy. Our tradition has singled him out as having more