William Beard
Contributing sermons since May 12, 2005
Newest Sermons
Great Changes
Contributed on Feb 27, 2010
Funeral Message for a Christian. (99 years old)
Memorial Service For Mrs. Louise Mills (A 99 year old Christian Lady) February 25, 2010 MESSAGE: Great Changes! We have gathered here today to remember and to celebrate the life of Louise Mills. Louise was the oldest member of Berryhill Baptist Church ...read more
Memorial Service
Contributed on May 22, 2007
Funeral Service for a Christian Lady
Memorial Service For Cecelia Holland Morrell April 27, 2007 (55 year old Christian lady) John 14:1-6 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 "In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Peter Marshall In One Of His Sermons Told About A ...
Contributed on May 22, 2007
PETER MARSHALL in one of his sermons told about a boy who had a TERMINAL ILLNESS. “One night the boy was especially quiet and so his mother asked him what was BOTHERING HIM. Mother, he said: WHAT IS IT LIKE TO DIE, does it hurt? She was silent for a moment and then she said: “Son do you ...read more
Mary Mason Wrote A Poem Called: "It's Coronation ...
Contributed on May 22, 2007
MARY MASON wrote a poem called: “It’s Coronation Day”. “The house (he/she) lived in seems so still; The eyes no longer see; The lips, half smiling, do not speak. Is this finality? Our hearts shout, “No! It’s not the end! Her life has just begun!” TODAY is Coronation Day: For her, the ...read more