  • Vagner Souza

    Contributing sermons since Aug 17, 2017
Vagner's church

Evangelical Church Prophetic Mission

About Vagner
  • Education: Biblical theology, college of technology
  • Experience: I preach every Wednesday at my local church in Brazil. Minister study Sunday school and run a worship service on Wednesdays.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I preach that I live and I live what I preach
  • Family: I live with my parents
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They like it very much, but they want me not to delay.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Do not Garnish! Preach only the word of God.
  • Books that have had an impact: Book Cure Sick and Eject Demon - T.L. Osborn
  • Hobbies: Bible reading, gospel music, church services, Christian movies
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: There's always something funny happening
  • What I want on my tombstone: Father is finished
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  • Why Does God Allow Suffering In Our Lives?

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2019

    Have you ever wondered: Why does God allow suffering in our lives? When we talk about why God allows suffering in our lives and how we can cope and do it to overcome it. It is not common to address their origin and causes.

    Have you ever wondered: Why does God allow suffering in our lives? When we talk about why God allows suffering in our lives and how we can cope and do it to overcome it. It is not common to address their origin and causes. What I mean is where this suffering probably came from, which is its more

  • For What Reason Cain Killed Abel, Questions And Answers?

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2018

    Why Cain killed Abel? Answer: For anger and envy, this is what we find to meditate in the Scriptures. But let's look at other questions and biblical answers about these two biblical characters, to then understand and better understand the biblical texts.

    Why Cain killed Abel? Answer: For anger and envy, this is what we find to meditate in the Scriptures. But let's look at other questions and biblical answers about these two biblical characters, to then understand and better understand the biblical texts. The best way to learn the Scriptures is more