V. David Sedaca
Contributing sermons since Dec 7, 2006
Newest Sermons
Don't Overlook Salvation
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
There are a lot of things that are overlooked today.
There are a lot of things that are overlooked today. You may overlook the water bill, paper bill, car note, light bill, birthdays, anniversaries, etc., but those can be made up, out text deals with the nation of Israel, (God's chosen people) and their negligence of God's salvation. We read that ...read more
There Will Be Hell To Pay
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
What do I mean by this statement? That there will be "hell to pay" for some of our friends and foes if we don't get concerned about lost souls.
What do I mean by this statement? That there will be "hell to pay" for some of our friends and foes if we don't get concerned about lost souls. There will be christians facing judgment and losing rewards because of lack of service for God. This story tells the fact about hell, the loneliness and ...read more
The Rewards Of Faith
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
Perhaps the greatest subject in the entire Bible is that of faith.
Perhaps the greatest subject in the entire Bible is that of faith. Because in faith we believe the world had it's beginning. It is faith that is the start of a new life in Christ. It is faith that allows us to live in this ungodly world. And it is the one thing that will help us to leave this world ...read more
Let's Exercise Our Rights As God's Children
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
As Americans we have certain rights that we through the blood shed of others we can excersise, (voting, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, etc,.
As Americans we have certain rights that we through the blood shed of others we can excersise, (voting, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, etc,. As God's children we are given rights that others in the world don't have, and the sad thing is, as God's adopted children we neglect to exercise ...read more
In The Manger
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
We find Christ was born in a manger what a lowly place for such a high visitor.
We find Christ was born in a manger what a lowly place for such a high visitor. We find Jesus the king of the Jews, Lord of Lords born in manger. As we think of the manger remember He's not in the cradle or on the cross, but is in Heaven set down at the right hand of God almighty. 1. Mediator ...read more