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  • The Greatest Show On Earth

    Contributed by Tony Myles on May 5, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Much like a circus tent move from town to town, so does Jesus "tabernacle" with us. What happens when we lean a bit further into three key events in Jesus’ life when He did move about on this earth? What might that tell us about God? His love? You and

    The Greatest Show On Earth: Three Rings (The metaphor of a circus was used in this series to describe three "rings" of Jesus life and how they each impact us) Ring One: The Incarnation (a.k.a. “What if God was one of us?”) John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and more

  • Broken Opportunities (And Harry Potter, Too)

    Contributed by Tony Myles on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 69 ratings

    There are broken opportunities all around us where we can join God in reaching a dark world. If we are all originally made in His image, then we can help uncover that image in others as we bear His image to the world.

    Broken Opportunities Genesis 1, 3 Good morning! · It’s a blessing to be back to share with you again. The last time I was here I took you through the whole Bible. Where do you go from there? · Genesis, chapter 1. Genesis 1: God’s image · In the first statement in Genesis, God is seen as the more