  • Todd Kingrea

    Contributing sermons since Apr 24, 2008
Todd's church

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Etowah, Tennessee 37331
(423) 263-2087

About Todd
  • Experience: Five years of volunteer youth ministry work; five years as a full-time Youth Pastor & Associte Pastor; in fourth year of appointment at current church as Pastor
  • Books that have had an impact: PUT YOUR OWN OXYGEN MASK ON FIRST by Bill Easum; THE BARBARIAN WAY by Erwin McManus; UNLEARNING CHURCH by Michael Slaughter; MESSY SPIRITUALITY by Michael Yaconelli; PAGAN CHRISTIANITY? by Frank Viola and George Barna
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Newest Sermons

  • Poured Out

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    David wisely recognized the significance of what his friends had done for him, and he created a sacramental moment with it. The body and blood of Christ is a sacramental moment for Christians.

    This is a story of four friends and a drink of water. Once upon a time--in a far away land of craggy rocks, dull sand, and dark caves—there lived a king. But nobody called him king. He had no throne, no palace. He didn’t even have a crown. But he did have three very close friends who more