  • Suzan Aturo Mugabi

    Contributing sermons since Sep 28, 2020
Suzan's church

Uganda Assemblies of God Tororo
Kampala, 0000
256 782 699 557

About Suzan
  • Education: B.A.Mass Communication
  • Experience: Minister of the gospel Author
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Newest Sermons

  • Who Pushed Me?

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2021

    Every one of us has been through situations that you wouldn’t have willingly accepted if you had the opportunity to choose, yet they later turned out to work for your greater good.

    Like Joseph in the Bible, some of us need an extra push to realize our God given dreams and potentials. A story is told of a rich man who had a beautiful daughter ready for marriage. The father of the young lady organized a contest for his daughter. He sent word to his townsmen inviting all those more

  • The Power Of Self Encouragement

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In life everybody faces discouragement but the levels of management differ. Others are quick to overcome it while others take a while and some succumb to it and give up.

    This season of COVID -19 has caused a lot of stress in all aspects of life. Many people’s emotional status is messed up. So much fear, hopelessness and discouragement are looming around. So this sermon is meant to encourage believers that no matter how terrible your situation, hope will arise, more

  • Lessons From The Rechabites Clan For The Church Today.

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2020

    If you can be so loyal and committed to your cultures and the rules set by man, God deserves more loyalty because He is bigger than any human being

    My daughters have a friend who comes to play with them, but one thing about this girl is that she is ever clean. I have watched her grow but she has maintained that discipline. Sometimes when I have trouble getting mine to shower, I challenge them using the example of their friend. Then one day my more

  • Key Stages In A Christian's Life

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2020

    Understanding seasons and times you are in, helps you manage your life situation well without panic

    to cut their lives short to escape certain events like sickness and death. So as depicted in the movie “Pilgrim’s Progress”, our life journey is full of uncertainties and bends but we have to keep on moving to reach our destination. I would say, Jesus was the only man who lived on earth and knew more

  • I Have No One To Help Me

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2020

    God demands our complete trust in Him alone, and will not tolerate double standards. Yet many believers have put their trust in man without even knowing. Introduction.

    I went through a very tough situation where nobody could help me out. Several people prayed for me but there was no change. Others connected me to anointed men and women of God for prayer but there was no change whatsoever .In fact somebody told God while praying for me that instead of blessing more