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  • Fix It Up Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 19, 2013

    I want you help fix up your love shack because some of our relationships are in disarray

    Well we’ve taken quite the journey together over these last several weeks at The Love Shack. If you’ve missed a week of this series, you can pick it up online or on iTunes, but we’ve been learning what it takes to move on up from the love shack relationally to the love palace or more

  • China And The Throne Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Treat him like a king on a throne and treat her like fine china, and you'll get out of the love shack.

    Our culture wants you to believe something about romance and relationships that simply is not true. And a lot of you believe it. Culture says, love is all about me. The way I feel. The things I want. The desires I have. To prove my point, we’re going to play this little game. I’m more

  • Broken Windows Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Little broken things in our marriages and our relationships are actually inviting more and more things and bigger problems.

    I heard about a woman who woke up the morning of Valentines Day and said “Honey, I had the most amazing dream last night. I had a dream that you gave me a beautifully wrapped box and inside the box there was a stunning diamond necklace. What do you think that means?” The husband just more

  • Moving On Up Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Wherever you’re at, whatever you’re experiencing, whatever your relationships look like, God wants it to get better.

    God has a plan for your relationships. In fact, today I want to tell you that things are going to get better! That’s the theme of today’s message. I’m calling this message moving on up! You remember that show with George & Wheezy? Moving on up? Well wherever you’re more

  • The Way Doors Get Opened Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Worship is how to open closed doors.

    I have a door at my house, it’s the door to a closet in our bonus room. It’s where my kids' toys are all kept and so when I instruct them to clean up the bonus room, the toys just get tossed into the closet and then they shut the door real quick and hope for the best. So when you open more

  • Things Aren't Always As They Seem Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013

    God sometimes has a bigger purpose, something you cannot see behind an open door you walked through or behind that door that closed so abruptly on you.

    Have you ever had to say this to someone in your house? I have to say this to my kids all the time because my kids have this tendency to stand right in front of our tv. I mean, they just stop dead in their tracks, it’s like they’re hypnotized by what’s happening in that moment on more

  • Which Door Do I Open? Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We only want to go through doors that God’s hand is opening.

    Well we’re in this series called doors and we’re discovering that in many ways, life is all about the doors. It’s about the doors you go in and the doors you come out. It’s about the open doors and closed doors and sometimes its even all about the slammed doors. And more

  • A Surprise Behind The Door Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    God specializes in surprises on the other side of a closed door.

    Have you ever been surprised by what’s behind the door? I told you last week that my older brother used to wait behind closed doors just to scare the heeby jeebies out of me. That was always a surprise. In fact, last week I did this thing where all throughout my sermon I opened and closed more

  • "It's Open!" Series

    Contributed by Stu Hodges on Jun 11, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    We live in a world full of closed doors, but God did not want the world to be like this.

    You know in many ways, life is all about the doors. We come into doors and go out of doors. We open doors and shut doors. Sometimes, we slam doors, no need to confess, we’ve all done it. And if you really stop to think about it, it’s the closed doors in life that really are the most more