  • Steve Lawrence

    Contributing sermons since Feb 17, 2005
Steve's church

Harmony Grove Baptist
winfield, Alabama 35594

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  • What Is He Looking At ?

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2005
    based on 64 ratings

    What is Jesus looking at in the church today?

    WHAT IS HE LOOKING AT ? Text: Mark 11:11 Introduction: Have you ever had the feeling that some body was watching you? That you had a pair of eyes on you ...but you just could not point out where they were. Causes you to feel uneasy.....Or maybe you’re in a restaurant you see someone intensely more

  • Can You Be Sure ?

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Can we be sure as a christain we are no longer slaves to sin.

    CAN YOU BE SURE ? Text: Romans 6: 8-14 Introduction: One of my favorite TV sitcoms from the early 80”s was M.A.S.H., among the colorful characters that made up the cast was a corporal named Klinger. In one episode Klinger decided he would publish a camp newspaper. He was really just more