  • Steve Ferber

    Contributing sermons since Dec 17, 2005
Steve's church

Living Branch Lutheran Church
North Branch, Minnesota 55056
651 674 5576

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  • Our New Life In Christ

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest man who ever lived. What made John so great, and how can we live life to the fullest by following his example? John’s first love, his passion, and His Lord, was Jesus Christ.

    *A few weeks ago I read that scientists were going to add another second to the clock on New Year’s Eve. They called it a leap second, something that happens every few years because of the gradual slowdown in the earth’s rotation. That leap second gave each of us a whole extra second to more

  • It All Began In A Manger

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Like a music crescendo, the glorious story of the birth of Jesus builds into an awesome outpouring of praise! Glory to God in the highest!

    “It All Began In A Manger” -- Luke 2:1-20 *During Christmas vacation of my senior year in high school, I picked up a book I just couldn’t put down. It was called “The Hobbit”, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. I was fascinated by the hairy little people called Hobbits who had 6 toes and ate 6 more

  • God Spoke, Mary Listened

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    When Gabriel announced to Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah, Mary responded with a willing heart.

    *A few days ago the president of Iran shocked the leaders of the world when he said that the Holocaust was a myth used by the Europeans to create a Jewish state. 6 million Jews weren’t really murdered during WWII. So Israel really has no right to exist. In fact, Israel should be “wiped off more

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