  • Steve Anderson

    Contributing sermons since Dec 18, 2014
Steve's church

First Baptist Church
Fairbury, Illinois 61739

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  • Bread, Water And Rest

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2014

    Funeral sermon for a 16-year old who took his life by suicide at 3 AM by gunshot. It is based on what God provided Elijah when he wanted to die. Its intent is to offer the equivalent of bread, water and rest to the grieving, especially peers and family.

    Background (1 Kings 18): 450 idol prophets; 2 altars, 1 fire; Elijah stood up to 450 prophets of Baal but ran for his life when one woman threatened him (1 Kings 19:3-8). Elijah wanted to die, he had poured out his life for God and felt it had no impact. He was tired and in despair, more